Having bass fished since my youth (which was a long time ago) some of my best experience in catching large bass has come during the dogwood tree bloom. It's funny, I have caught a very large number of large bass (over 5 lbs.) over the years but I can remember every one I caught during the dogwood bloom. Maybe it's because it was the first big fish of the season. It is a true sign to me that Spring is here and the fishing season is in full swing.
Two of these fish stand out to me the most, both were caught in the same spot, the same way on Lake Anna one year apart. It's possible that it was the same exact fish as it was almost 8 pounds the first year and almost 9 pounds the next year. I let both fish go as I have with every bass I have ever caught with one exception. That one exception was a fish I caught with my good friend Jeff Coble on Falls Lake in NC. It was a 11 pound 3 ounce monster caught on my favorite bait; a spinnerbait. By the way, that monster bass was caught on April 2, 1992 during the dogwood bloom.
The dogwood bloom happens every year, usually between April 1 and April 15 depending on the weather and your geographical location. I have found that it does not matter what part of the country you are in, when it happens, it's happening on the water. So when I see dogwood trees have started to bloom, I go fishing and I suggest you go to.

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