Have you ever seen a winter when it just kept snowing and arctic blasts keep coming through our area? I can't remember a year it seemed to snow several times a week, week after week. Local anglers are tired of it and a lot of the guys are going south.
We have a group of local anglers that go south every winter to get away from the cold and do what they like to do, Fish. This year it seems that the unusually snowy and extra cold weather has sent even more angler than usual south. Check out the FaceBook pages of your fishing buddies and I bet you will see the same thing. You will start to feel that you are the only one not fishing Lake Okeechobee. I have seen guys fishing on Stick Marsh, Toho and Okeechobee. I started to feel bad for myself, stuck here in the cold, while they were getting to fish wearing shorts and T shirts. Then it hit me, good for them. They are getting to fish. Hopefully they will come back with some stories and good photos that they can share with the rest of us. It will give us something to talk about and get us excited about the up coming fishing season, instead of sitting around dreaming of fishing.
Having your fishing buddies getting to go fishing is the next best thing to getting to go yourself. We can all live and learn through their fishing experience. It looks like we will have to, the groundhog says it going to keep snowing and stay cold. If it continues, maybe we will get a chance to go fishing down south or at least get to go groundhog hunting.