Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Boating on the 4th of July? Be Careful

The 4th of July is a very popular day for boating here in the Washington D.C. area; but be careful if you go out on the Potomac River around DC.

Watching the 4th of July fireworks celebration in the Nations Capitol will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, the experience is even better if you watch them from an boat on the Potomac River. Boating is great fun with friends anytime, but this is a special night every year on the river. If you are going to take advantage of this very special event, you should take some special precautions to keep you and your friends safe.

Many boats come out on the river early to get a good parking spot to watch the fireworks on the 4th. They load all their friends in the boat for a day of food, fun and partying. Nothing wrong with partying on the water as long as the captain of the boat takes control of everyone on the boat and refrains from partying. A long hot day on the water with to much alcohol puts everyone in danger. Even if your group is well behaved, you must take care to watch the other vessels around you that may not be well behaved. Heat is also a large concern of being out on the water all day, having cold water or sports drinks on board if someone starts to feel bad, then you should get them off the water if they continue to feel poorly. Sunblock is a must on the river also, burns only hurt for a couple of days but skin cancer is a serious concern over the long terms. I know I sounds like a bummer, but it is better to be safe and have fun than the alternative.

The most important thing to do if you are going to the Potomac River for the 4th of July is to have fun and be patient. Ramps will be crowded and lots of other boaters will be moving up and down the river. Take your time and enjoy the whole day. Be safe and have fun, maybe I will see you there. Happy Birthday America!!!

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